We are experiencing an outpouring of Holy Spirit across this land. Man can’t stop it, and man can’t contain it, Holy Spirit is moving and drawing men to God. Acts 2:33 it says,
Being therefore lifted high by and to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promised [blessing which is the] Holy Spirit, He has made this outpouring which you yourselves both see and hear.
The outpouring was the fulfillment of God’s Word spoken by Joel. Man did not bring about the outpouring of God’s Spirit. It was the fulfillment of the Word of God. Revival is not by the will of man, it is by the will of God. It says in the Bible, as men were moved by Holy Spirit, they spoke. God moves on our hearts and God is turning people’s hearts back to Him. Revival is when heaven invades Earth with the presence and glory of God. Is it spiritual? Yes, but it also affects the physical realm. It affects relationships, our souls and our bodies as well. It is undeniable. During the Jesus movement, Times Magazine sent a writer to Calvary Chapel to investigate the reports that were coming from the revival. He documented what he heard and saw. We can choose to ignore this outpouring, but if God is moving amongst us and turning people’s hearts back to Him, you will be able to hear it and see it. Even in John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ ministries, there was no media, but people were able to hear and see God moving amongst them.
We are seeing a fresh outpouring of His Spirit in our day. When Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost, the people that were there heard and saw it. People were drawn to God and came by the thousands to be saved and filled. We can talk all about revival and claim to be experiencing revival, but true revival can be seen and heard. This is the earmark of true revival; when people have reverence and awe for God and His Spirit. We are seeing people being drawn back to God by Holy Spirit. Lamentations 5:21 says,
Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again! Give us back the joys we once had!
This world system and religion can rob you of your joy. The world and religion put burdens, yokes and cares on people, Jesus came to set us free from that and to give us abundant life. He is the answer to what the world needs. Actually, He is the only answer to what is plaguing us. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28,
Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.
If you ask most people today if they are weary or carrying heavy burdens, their answer will be a resounding yes. There is a weight or load that we try to carry every day. But God sent Jesus to remove burdens and destroy yokes that are weighing you down.
The first thing that happens when the Spirit is being poured out is yokes are destroyed and burdens are removed. Psalms 16:11 says,
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
When we experience the presence of the Lord, joy fills our hearts, and we experience the pleasure of living life. Strength comes as the love of God is revealed to us and in us by His Spirit. We become secure and confident in God’s salvation and every day is a day to experience victory as Holy Spirit directs our paths.
Peter said in Acts 3:19,
And now you must repent and turn back to God so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Lord’s presence.
We too must repent, or must come back to God. He is drawing everyone of us, but we must accept His call. Jesus said in John Chapter 12, that when He was lifted up, he would draw all men to Him. Right now, Jesus is seated at the right hand of God and is drawing all mankind by His Spirit. As Peter said “…you must repent and turn back to God.” Why? So times of refreshing, or reviving of your soul, will come from the presence of the Lord.
I would ask you if you haven’t made Jesus Lord of your life, please do so right now. If you would like to receive Jesus in your heart, say this simple prayer. Lord Jesus, I have heard Your call, please come into my life. The Bible says, once you make Jesus Lord of Your life, you become a new creature, born anew. All things are passed away, all things are made new. It is important as a new believer to join with other believers to establish your faith. As you do, Holy Spirit will direct your path.
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